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Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Used Mercedes Benz

A Used Mercedes Benz Can Be Found Online Quickly by: Louis Rix

If you are looking for a used Mercedes Benz then you have access to a virtual showroom which you can tailor towards the particular model you are looking for all from the comfort of your own home by way of your home computer and the internet। Shopping online had become a big thing and when it comes to finding a used Mercedes Benz you are able to complete a tailored search right down to the exact model and colour you are looking for। A specialist used car website gives you all the tools you need to find your ideal used car in the shortest time possible and you are even able to search in the area in which you are willing to travel when it comes to taking a test drive. Another big advantage of a specialist used car website is the information that you can gain regarding buying used cars and what to look for, the majority of cars that are listed online are what they say they are but then unfortunately some people take advantage and do embellish about the car they are selling. There should be plenty of hints, tips and advice on a specialist used car website and this is where you should start off when it comes to buying a used Mercedes Benz. It is essential that you know what to look for in used cars especially when it comes to going and looking the car over and taking it for a test drive and unless you know a little about cars and especially the Mercedes Benz then it is essential you read up on the car. When you have narrowed down your search based on the particular model, colour, price and distance you wish to travel then you will have to narrow down your choices even further, to help you do this there should be photographs of the car and if you are lucky these will show you different angles of the car which can give an excellent indication of the state of the car. While the photographs can go a long way to helping you narrow down your choices of used Mercedes Benz the listing that accompanies the photographs can give detailed information regarding the car.
The majority of people who sell their car online will have taken the time to not only out all the essential details into the wording but will also have included anything that makes that particular car stand out such as any additional parts fitted and extras. Of course all of these go a long way to you finding your ideal used Mercedes Benz and can help you to narrow down the list considerably, however once you have narrowed down your choice then of course there will be contact information which then allows you to ask any specific questions regarding the car. When going to look the car over and take it for a test drive always remember the advice you should have taken beforehand on what to look for in a used Mercedes Benz and always take the car for a test drive before handing over any cash along with making sure that the documents relating to the car are in order and all is upfront.

About The Author
Louis Rix is a Director of NetCars (,

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Women and Physical Activity

Kamis, 11 November, 2004 oleh: GsianturiWomen and Physical - Regular physical activity and good eating habits can improve women’s health and help prevent many of the diseases and conditions that are major causes of death and disability for women around the world. Regular physical activity helps prevent cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). These diseases, which include heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke, account for one-third of deaths among women around the world. CVDs cause half of all deaths in women over 50 in developing countries.Regular physical activity, combined with appropriate diet has shown to be one of the most effective means of controlling mild to moderate obesity and maintaining an ideal body weight in women. Diabetes affects more than 70 million women in the world. This figure is projected to double by 2025. Diabetes can lead – in addition to CVDs - to blindness, nerve damage, kidney failure, foot ulceration and amputation. A recent study shows that even modest regular physical activity and dietary changes can prevent more than half of the cases of non-insulin dependent diabetes.Physical activity can also greatly help prevent and manage osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to break. Women, particularly post-menopausal, have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis than men. Weight-bearing activities such as walking and jogging, is essential for normal skeletal development in the childhood and adolescence, and may help in decreasing bone loss. It also improves muscle strength and balance and reduces the risk of falling, thereby helping to prevent fractures. Regular physical activity helps reduce stress, anxiety, depression and loneliness—this is particularly important for women as rates of depression for women are almost double those of men in both developed and developing countries. Physical activity also helps build self-esteem, confidence and promote psychological well-being and social integration. Although the health and social benefits of physical activities should in principle encourage women’s participation in physical activity, one should not overlook the fact that in rural areas and in low income sub urban areas of developing countries women may be already physically exhausted by other forms of day-long "occupational" physical activities in and outside the home. These women groups may need a better balanced set of support actions such as adequate nutrition, income generation initiatives, advise on physical activities most relevant to their specific conditions and possibly adapted leisure pursuits. Arthritis is an important cause of activity limitation among adult and elderly people. Physical activity is a means to control joint swelling and joint pain in arthritis, thus reducing the consequences of the disease for everyday well-being.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Many RI Migrant Workers in Saudi Arabia Treated Cruelly

Tuesday, July 8,2008 : HRWSource: Antara NewsMany Indonesian migrant workers in Saudi Arabia endured serious human rights violation and horrendous cruelties, according to the latest report of Human Rights Watch (HRW) released here Tuesday.
"Therefore, the Saudi Arabian government should immediately effect reforms in its manpower and immigration sectors, and its criminal courts to protect migrant workers in the country from criminal acts and enslavement," HRW executive director Kenneth Roth said at a press conference.
A 155-page report titled: "As If I Were Not a Human Being: Arbitrary Action Against Household Workers from Asia in Saudi Arabia" said many Saudi Arabian employers who violated human rights did not face proper punishment for their arbitrary action against migrant workers who worked as house maids.
According to the report, many Saudi Arabian employers had committed sexual and physical violence against their house maids, and failed to pay their salaries for months, even years, and sometimes forcefully confined them.
"If the house maids in Saudi Arabia were lucky, they would enjoy good working conditions with good bosses, but otherwise they would be treated like slaves," said Nisha Varia, a senior observer at HPW's Women Rights Division. She said Saudi Arabia was employing at least 1.5 million house maids from Asian countries such as Indonesia, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and Nepal.
"We cannot obtain definite statistical data on the number of the cases, but we have found out that every year thousands of problematic migrant workers are accommodated at Saudi Arabian Social Affairs Ministry offices and the embassies of their original countries," Nisha said. She said many of the migrant workers were forced to work 18 hours per day, seven days a week. After interviewing 86 migrant house maids, HRW concluded that some 36 workers had endured arbitrary action from their employers such as human trade, slavery, and forced labor.

Basic Guide to DNS

Basic Guide to DNSPrint
Think you can write a better article? Click this link to visit Knol and try your hand at editing this entry. We're using Knol in the Help Center so you can update articles and share community-edited information with others.
This is a list of common terms that you'll encounter when managing a domain. Click a term below to jump to the description of the term, and its practical use with Google Apps.
Since registrars, hosts, and record configurations vary, this is a basic guide to DNS.
DNS Domain Name Domain Registrar Top Level Domain Second-level Domain Third-level Domain Domain Host A Record NS Record MX Record CNAME Record IP Address Custom URLs Domain Alias WHOIS directory

DNS stands for Domain Name System. This system is in place to organize and identify domains. Essentially, DNS provides a name for a domain's one or more IP addresses. For instance, the domain name might translate to 198.102.434.8. This makes it much easier to remember URLs and email addresses.
DNS is also used to find out where to deliver email for a particular address. This is done with MX Records.
You need to have a registered domain name to use Google Apps for Your Domain.
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Domain Name
Domain names are easy-to-remember names (URLs and email addresses) that are associated with one or more IP addresses. Since a web page is defined by its URL, the page can move to a different IP address without affecting visitors.
Example: is the domain name.
com is the top level domain.
singlespeed is a subdivision of com, and represents the second-level domain.
www is a subdomain (also known as third-level domain or CNAME).
The whole domain name can not exceed a total length of 255 characters, but some registries have shorter limits.
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Domain Registrar
Domain registrars sell Internet domain names (ex. or ). Most of these companies offer a hosting service in addition to registration.
If your domain registrar is separate from your domain host, you'll need to add the host's name servers to your registrar's account. For example, if you purchase a domain name from (which offers domain registration) and host your domain with DynDNS (which offers domain hosting), you'll add the name servers of DynDNS ( and to your account with
Google Apps for Your Domain offers domain registration with a select group of domain registration partners. This allows you to purchase a domain name and sign up for Google Apps at the same time. If you purchase a domain name while signing up, Google will auto-configure services for your domain so that you won't need to manually configure MX and CNAME records.
If you purchased your domain name before signing up for Google Apps, visit our list of domain hosts (some of which are also domain registrars) that have instructions for modifying MX records in our Help Center.
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Top Level Domain
Top-level domains are the last part of a domain name - the letters after the last period. Some examples are: biz com org edu us ca fr de travel local es pl
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Second-level Domain
Second-level domains are directly below top-level domains. Some current examples are:
Second-level Domain
Domain Name
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Third-level Domain
Third-level domains are also known as subdomains and CNAMEs. In a URL, the subdomain is written before the domain name. Here's some examples:
To set up web publishing with Google Apps for Your Domain, you'll need to pick a subdomain as your web publishing address.
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Domain Host
Domain hosts run DNS servers for your domain. This includes A records, MX records, and CNAME records. Most domain hosts offer domain name registration as well.
Since Google Apps for Your Domain is not a domain host, you'll need to modify your DNS records with your domain host to set up email and web publishing. Click here if you don't know which company is hosting your domain.
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A Record
A records (also known as host records) are the central records of DNS. These records link a domain, or subdomain, to an IP address.
A records and IP addresses do not necessarily match on a one-to-one basis. Many A records correspond to a single IP address, where one machine can serve many web sites. Alternatively, a single A record may correspond to many IP addresses. This can facilitate fault tolerance and load distribution, and allows a site to move its physical location.
Google Apps for Your Domain does not support IP addresses alone. Instead of using A records, you can set up email and web publishing by modifying your MX and CNAME records with your domain host.
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NS Record
Name server records determine which servers will communicate DNS information for a domain. Two NS records must be defined for each domain. Generally, you will have a primary and a secondary name server record - NS records are updated with your domain registrar and will take 24-72 hours to take effect.
If your domain registrar is separate from your domain host, your host will provide two name servers that you can use to update your NS records with your registrar.
If you're not sure who is hosting your domain, you can perform a free NS Lookup. Here's how:
Search for NS lookup.
Select a search result.
Type your domain name into the tool.
Select NS records or Any records for your query.
Click Look it up.
Example result (showing that is the domain host for nameserver =
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MX Record
Mail Exchange records direct email to servers for a domain, and are listed in order of priority. If mail can't be delivered using the first priority record, the second priority record is used, and so on.
To set up email with Google Apps for Your Domain, you need to configure the MX records with your domain host using Google's server information.
If you'd like to check the status of your MX records, you can perform a free MX lookup. Here's how:
MX Record Lookup

Enter domain nameExample result (showing that email for is directed to Google): mail exchanger = 10
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CNAME Record
Canonical name records are aliases for A records. For each CNAME record, you can choose an alias and a host.
To set up web publishing with Google Apps, you can pick an address for your web pages. The third-level domain of the address is the alias and is the host.
If you'd like to check the status of your CNAME record for web publishing, you can perform a free CNAME lookup. Here's how:
Search for NS lookup.
Select a search result from the list.
Type your web publishing address in to the field.
Select CNAME record if it's not the default search query.
Click Submit, or Lookup. Example result (showing that the subdomain of is pointing to
DNS Lookup (CNAME) for Items Returned: 1
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IP Address
Internet Protocol addresses are unique numbers that allow devices to locate information on a network.
Since a domain name may have one or more associated IP addresses, Google Apps for Your Domain doesn't support email and web publishing configuration using IP addresses alone.
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Custom URLs
Custom URLs, or short URLs, make using the Internet easier. A custom URL allows you and your users to access the login page for services at your domain with a simple, easy-to-remember address. With Google Apps for Your Domain, your custom URLs will follow this format:
http://[customize this section]
Instead of asking your users to visit to log in to their calendars, you can create a short, custom URL. Learn more
Calendar Examples
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Domain Alias
Domain name aliases are additional domain names associated with your primary domain. With Google Apps for Your Domain, you can add a domain alias that receives mail and delivers it to mailboxes at your primary domain.
Some common uses:
Add a domain alias to cover other top-level domains. If your domain name is, you may want to alias and
Add a domain alias to help people who mistype your domain name. If your domain name is, you may want to alias,, and
Add a domain alias to receive mail addressed to two separate domains in one mailbox. If you receive mail at two domain names, such as and, you can alias to, and all mail sent to either address will be delivered to

WHOIS directory
The WHOIS directory is a public listing of domain names, and people or organizations associated with each domain name.
As a privacy measure, some domain name owners prefer to have their personal information hidden from the WHOIS directory. This is similar to the way someone may want his/her personal telephone number unlisted in a local telephone book.
The WHOIS directory is used to determine the owner of domain names and IP addresses. There are many free web-based directories available on the Internet. The information provided in the WHOIS directory includes a mailing address and a telephone number.
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updated 7/27/2009

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bmw x5 and E series generation

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BMW X5 4.8I

Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States
Mid-size crossover SUV
Body style(s)
5-door SUV
Front engine, four wheel drive
The BMW X5 is a mid-size crossover SUV sold by BMW since 1999, making it BMW's first SUV. It features all-wheel drive and is available with a range of gasoline inline-6s, V8s and a diesel powertrain is also available. All X5s worldwide are manufactured in Spartanburg, South Carolina. BMW described it as a Sport Activity Vehicle (SAV)) rather than an SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle), to emphasize its on-road ability despite its size. Like the Lexus RX 300 and Mercedes M-Class, the X5 heralded the shift from truck-based body-on-frame SUVs to sedan-based crossovers that would come to fruition in the late 2000s.
Four years later, the BMW X3 was released, which used the "X" prefix applied to the BMW SAVs which were derivatives of the BMW number-series models.
1 E53
2 E70
3 Sales
4 See also
5 References
6 External links

First generation

Model year(s)
3.0 L 225 hp I64.4 L 286 HP (2000–2003) 315 HP (2004–2006) hp V84.6 L 347 hp V84.8 L 355 hp (264.7 kw) @ 6200 rpm V83.0 L 193/218 hp I6 Diesel
5-speed automatic5-speed manual6-speed automatic6-speed manual
111.0 in (2819 mm)
183.7 in (4666 mm)
73.7 in (1872 mm)
2000–2003 V8: 67.2 in (1707 mm)2001–2003 I6: 67.5 in (1715 mm)2004–2006 V8 4.8I: 67.9 in (1725 mm)2004–2006 I6: 69.3 in (1760 mm)
Fuel capacity
93 L (25 US gal; 20 imp gal)
BMW 5 SeriesBMW M5BMW X-Coupe
Main article: BMW X5 (E53)
The BMW E53 X5 crossover vehicle was made between 1999 and 2006. Production ceased September, 2006[1] and has been replaced by the BMW E70. The E53 was developed at a time when BMW still owned Land Rover and as such shares many components and designs with both Land Rover and also the BMW E39 5-series.[citation needed]

Second generation

Model year(s)
3.0 L 260 hp I63.0 L 235 hp Diesel I64.8 L 350 hp V8
6-speed automatic
2933 mm (115.5 in)
4854 mm (191.1 in)
1933 mm (76.1 in)
2006–2008: 1766 mm (69.5 in)2009–: 1776 mm (69.9 in)
Main article: BMW X5 (E70)
The BMW E70 is the current X5 Sports Activity Vehicle (SAV). It replaced the BMW E53 in November 2006.

[edit] Sales
Calendar year
U.S. sales

[edit] See also
BMW Manufacturing Co. Spartanburg - BMW X5 plant
BMW Sports Activity Series

Official website
BMW X5 Review on
vde« previousBMW road car timeline, 1980s–present
Small family
3 Compact
1 Series
E81 / E82 / E87 / E88
Compact exec
3 Series
E90 / E91 / E92 / E93
5 Series
E60 / E61
Luxury Coupé
6 Series
E63 / E64
7 Series
E65 / E66 / E67 / E68
F01 / F02
Z Series
E30 (Z1)
E36/7 & E36/8 (Z3)
E85 / E86 (Z4)
E89 (Z4)
E26 (M1)
E31 (8 series)
E52 (Z8)
Sports Activity
E71 / E72
Progressive Activity
5 GT
Retrieved from ""
Categories: BMW vehicles Crossover SUVs All wheel drive vehicles 2000s automobiles Vehicles introduced in 1999
Hidden categories: All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from February 2008

All-new 2007 BMW X5 SAV

All-new 2007 BMW X5 SAV: Third row option and many firsts for an SUV by: Bechara Aboul Nasr

will be BMW’s first ever car to be made available with the option of a third-row seating, to welcome up to seven passengers। That's the all-new, second-generation BMW X5 SUV, to be launched soon in Europe. SUV or... SAV for Sports Activity Vehicle, as BMW called it since its launched its first generation in 1999, lifting its image - and specifications - above the more utilitarian attribute of Sports Utility Vehicles. Selling more than 580,000 units of the first X5 generation was a respectable figure for a luxury priced SUV, considering in particular that it was the first step for the Bavarian brand into the SUV market as such. Having well over half a million people trust the brand with its first step in SUV land, especially in the elitist premium price brackets, can be safely qualified as an achievement. The all-new X5 will be available then in standard 5- or optional 7-passenger configurations, and in any case, with more power, lower emissions, better fuel consumption, an all-new six-speed automatic gearbox and several new technologies in the segment such as the head-up display, run-flat tyres, adaptive drive suspension management. Back in 1999, t he first generation BMW X5 was the first SUV-type vehicle to offer a genuinely sporty car-like drive, thanks to its crossover structure with a unitary body construction rather than a traditional truck-like body-on-frame architecture. Hence the German automaker Sports Activity Vehicle phrase to underline its dynamic attributes over the rather utilitarian construction of many traditional SUVs. Seven years after its 1999 Frankfurt Motor Show debut, the all-new X5 mission will be to reconfirm, once again, its premium status with a new list of firsts for its category. The Bavarian carmaker describes it new X5 as the world’s first SAV (OK, we'll read it as crossover SUV) to be offered with Head-up Display, an active suspension system - BMW’s adaptive drive package, active steering and run-flat tyres. For a brand often described as the ultimate driving machine, description starts from... the engines, naturally. And the new BMW X5 is powered by the latest, most advanced engines. A choice of three units will offered at launch, two petrol and one diesel, all of which feature increased power compared to the engines in the outgoing model, while also posting more economical consumption figures and reduced emissions. In the UK, the biggest seller is expected to be a 2,993cc six-cylinder diesel but, for those preferring petrol power, the X5 can also be specified with a 2,996cc six-cylinder or a 4,799cc V8 engine. Starting from the most frugal between the three choices, the BMW X5 3.0d uses a diesel engine with high-precision piezo crystal injection technology for better economy and emission figures. This advanced technology, combined with the introduction of an all aluminium crankcase that saves 25kgs in weight compared to the former 3.0-litre diesel engine, sees the new X5 record improved performance figures. It is now seven per cent more fuel efficient with a combined fuel consumption figure of 32.5 UK mpg (27.08 US mpg), or 8.69 litres per 100 km, while also emitting eight per cent less CO2. The 3.0d engine records 231g/km. Although more economical, the new BMW X5 3.0d comes with increased power. Output is 231hp, up six per cent compared to the previous model, and maximum torque is 520 Nm, up four per cent. Peak torque is available from 2,000 to 2 ,750 rpm offering near swift yet refined motoring, powering the BMW X5 3.0d from zero to 62mph (100 km/h) in 8.3 seconds before reaching a top speed of 134 mph (215 km/h), or 130 mph (209 km/h) for the non-Dynamic Package equipped model. Based on the world’s lightest production inline six-cylinder petrol engine, the BMW X5 3.0si comes equipped with BMW’s Double Vanos and Valvetronic variable valve technologies for high performance, yet economical motoring. In simple terms, Double Vanos determines when the engine’s valves open (timing), while Valvetronic determines by how much they should open (lift). The net effect of both systems is that the engine is operating constantly at its optimum efficiency with only the exact amount of fuel needed being used. Hence, the X5 3.0si has a combined fuel consumption of 25.9 UK mpg (21.58 US mpg), or 10.9 litres per100 km, an 18 per cent improvement compared to the previous X5 3.0i, and an emissions figure of 260g/km. Developing 272hp at 6,650rpm, the engine peak torque of 315 Nm is reached at 2,750rpm, with zero to 62mph dispatched in 8.1 seconds. Top speed for the new BMW X5 3.0si is 140mph (225 km/h) when fitted with the Dynamic Package, or 130mph (210 km/h) without it. With its 355hp engine, the BMW X5 4.8i is the flagship of the range. It is faster from zero to 62mph and has a higher top speed than the supercharged Range Rover Sport or a Mercedes Benz ML500 Sport. The 4,799cc V8 powers the X5 4.8i to 62mph in 6.5 seconds, on its way to a top speed of 150mph (241 km/h), when fitted with the Dynamic Package. With this performance, fuel consumption is 22.6 UK mpg (18.83 US mpg), or 12.5 litres / 100 km on the combined cycle and emissions are 299g/km. The new BMW X5 comes with an all-new faster-shifting six-speed automatic transmission. It features a new torque converter with enhanced software resulting in gearshift times up to 50 per cent quicker than the previous automatic gearbox. A new design of gearstick also creates more space on the centre console for additional storage space and cupholders, while the use of an electronic parking brake (EPB) in place of a conventional handbrake aids ergonomics further. The BMW X5 intelligent xDrive four-wheel-drive system transfers power between front and rear wheels depending on available grip for optimum handling, and it can now be specified with Adaptive Drive and Active Steering - two advanced systems never offered before on a BMW X model. Adaptive Drive uses active hydraulic anti-roll bars to counteract the cornering forces of the car to keep the body from leaning too heavily and unsettling the occupants. In addition, the system incorporates an Electronic Damper Control system that uses sensors to continuously adjust the damper setting for the optimum comfort. Active Steering - To make parking effortless at slow speeds, active steering uses an electronically operated planetary gear intersecting the steering shaft to add more lock than inputted by the driver. Steering becomes more direct. When driving at speed, the opposite occurs for a smoother, more composed ride. The new BMW X5 can be optionally specified with Head-up Display – a first for its category. For enhanced safety, the system projects speed, navigation and check control messages into the line of sight of the driver who can keep his /her eyes on the road ahead while still being made aware of important instructions. Another safety benefit comes from the standard fitting (UK specs) of run-flat tyres – again a first for an SAV or SUV. Run-flat tyres allow a driver to continue the journey in the event of a puncture for up to 90 miles (145 km) at speeds of 50mph (80 km/h). Run-flat tyres also provide the best stability in the event of a blowout. The BMW X5 comes fitted with 18-inch alloy wheels and run-flat tyres as standard with optional 19- and 20-inch alloy wheels offered. With the latest in traction control technology, Dynamic Stability Control+, comes also standard (UK specs), with four unique functions for added safety and comfort: - Brake Pre-tensioning shortens stopping distances during an emergency stop by priming the brakes should it detect the driver lifting off the accelerator sharply in reaction to an incident ahead. - Brake Drying improves braking performance in the wet by periodically applying the brake pads to scrub away the film of water that can build up on the brake discs. - Hill Start Assistant allows a car to pull away smoothly on a steep gradient without rolling backwards, courtesy of the brakes being held for the short time it takes the driver to apply the accelerator after releasing the foot or handbrake. - Brake Fade Compensation applies additional braking without any extra effort from the driver should sensors detect that the brake pads are starting to lose ‘bite’ due to heat build up. With the new X5, the driver will also be able to select the Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) function of DSC+. DTC allows for a greater degree of wheel slip for more spirited driving without the main traction control system safety net intervening. This option can be selected via a button on the centre console. In a first for a BMW, the new X5 can be specified with an optional third row of seats allowing up to seven occupants to be transported in comfort. An increase of 19cms in overall body length and an increase in body width of 6cms, combined with innovative design, has made it possible to introduce a brace of seats in the rear, while still retaining luggage space. With all seven seats in place, there is 200 litres of boot space (half the average of a family car boot / trunk volume). The two extra seats, complete with three-point seat belts and head restraints, are stowed under the boot floor when not in use. BMW X5 owners who do not specify the third row of seats benefit instead from an additional 90-litre storage compartment situated below the boot floor. In a standard five-seat configuration the boot measures 620 litres – up 155 litres (33.33%) compared to the outgoing X5. For sizeable objects, luggage capacity increases to 1,750 litres with all the rear seats stowed - a figure greater than that of any other BMW. While being one of the most practical cars BMW has ever made, the new X5 still has, as expected from the brand, with its premium prices too, a luxurious interior feel and a dynamic and sporty exterior shape. A drag coefficient as low as 0.33 places the BMW X5 at the top of its segment as the most aerodynamically efficient large SUV. This low figure is partly achieved by a rear tailgate that incorporates a roof spoiler and a near flat underbody to aid airflow. In the UK, nine exterior colours will be offered initially (from next spring) alongside four levels of trim and seven upholstery colours. BMW’s iDrive control system also comes to the X5 for the first time. A new ‘wave’ style of dashboard houses the colour display while the iDrive controller sits on the centre console adjacent to the new style of gear selector. The controller is complemented by eight buttons integrated as system short cuts for ease of use. Supplementing the standard fit front and rear Park Distance Control , X5 customers can optionally order a rear camera for added parking convenience. Automatically activated when the reverse gear is selected, the driver is presented with a wide-angle colour image on the iDrive display in the centre console. Additional photos and specifications can be found with the article at:
About The Author
Bechara Aboul-Nasr: Automotive editor and publisher of Motion Trends car magazine and media services. Based in Toulouse, France, since Oct. 2000. Previously, automotive editor of Al Hayat International daily newspaper in London, UK (1988-2000).

indonesia jobless

Indonesian jobless rate to soar next year: analyst JAKARTA (Antara): Indonesia will likely be burdened by an 'unemployment explosion' early next year if the government does not give serious attention to this problem, director of the Center for Labor and Development Studies (CLDS) Bomer Pasaribu said on Friday. Bomer said that in a bid to help alleviate the problem, the government had to seriously handle the development of micro businesses, agriculture and fisheries for the sake of opening up new job opportunities. Bomer, who is currently preparing a year-end evaluation and projection for next year, said the total number of jobless in the country reached about 40.1 million at present. The term unemployment includes those who are totally jobless, semi-employed and disguised employment. Semi-employment refers to those working less than 40 hours per week and disguised employment refers to the underemployed, Bomer said. At present those who are totally jobless number between 11.6 million and 11.9 million this year, and if the problem is not properly handled, Bomer said, the figures could rise to 12.5 million and 12.6 million next year. This year alone there was an increase in the jobless rate from 1.5 million to 1.8 million, the former minister of manpower said. (jp/IM)